Win This Car!
Cars 4 Kids is teaming up with Ornata Cares and the Ronald McDonald House Charities to generate much needed financial resources for sick children and their families. The profits generated from the syndicate donations for this Ornata Spitfire will be gifted to Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Intermountain Area in support of their loving care and attention to these families in our community. CLICK HERE to learn more about Ornata Cares.
$20 suggested donation for each entry in the syndicate drawing.
Ornata Spitfire Syndicate Membership
This syndicate member will directly benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities Intermountain Area. Each $20 membership will make a contribution in support of pediatric patient families and directly support our mission of giving back to children and families in need.
One member will be randomly selected to win the free Ornata at the Cars 4 Kids video release party, fall 2019*. Members do not need to be present to win.
All net proceeds from the Ornata Spitfire Syndicate will be donated to Ronald McDonald McDonald House Charities Intermountain Area.

Your Gift
For every $100, you will help provide a home-away-from-home to a pediatric patient family at our Ronald McDonald House and Ronald McDonald Family Rooms for one evening (including daily meals and shuttles). This generous donation also allows parents to stay in one of the overnight rooms or utilize the services provided at our Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at Primary Children’s Hospital.
Keeping Families Close
In 2018, Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Intermountain Area (RMHC) provided comfort, care and much-needed resources to 15,107 pediatric patient families (32,780 individuals) through our Ronald McDonald House, Ronald McDonald Family Rooms and Ronald McDonald Hospitality Carts. The Ronald McDonald House has 72 guest rooms to accommodate the whole family – including, when treatment permits, the patient. This allows for 26,280 room nights per year. In 2018 the Ronald McDonald House provided a home-away-from-home for 4,107 families (12,461 individuals). These families traveled far from home from rural areas throughout Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, and Montana; as well as other states throughout the U.S. and the world to access specialty pediatric care for their seriously ill or injured children. The average length of stay for a family is approximately one week.

Open to legal residents of the 50 United States, 18 years of age or older at time of contribution. Void in Puerto Rico. Give $20 per membership as a contribution in support of pediatric patient families. Up to 20,000 memberships will be sold between April 2019 and September 2019. One member will be randomly selected to win the free Ornata at the Cars 4 Kids video release party, fall 2019. Members do not need to be present to win. The winner will receive a 1099 from the Cars 4 Kids Foundation and will be responsible for all taxes, title and license. All net proceeds from the Ornata Spitfire Syndicate will be donated to Ronald McDonald House Charities Intermountain Area. *3,500 memberships must be sold before a drawing will be held. In the event the minimum # of tickets sold has not been achieved by the video release party, the drawing will be delayed while syndicate donations continue to be solicited and rescheduled for the 2020 RMHC Spirit of Children Gala held annually in April.